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Empolyments and Educations


2023.09 to present                     


South China University of Technology, State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices, Guangzhou, CN

2019.10 to 2023.08                      

Alexander von Humbodlt Research fellow, Project leader, Senior scientist

Nanochemistry Department at Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, DE

Head: Prof. Dr. Bettina Lotsch


2015.09 to 2019.09                      

Postdoctoral researcher

Laboratory for Molecular Engineering of Optoelectronic Nanomaterials (LIMNO) at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, CH

Head: Prof. Dr. Kevin Sivula

2010.09 to 2015.07                      

Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry and Physics

College of Chemistry at Jilin University, Changchun, CN

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Yuguang Ma and Prof. Dr. Bing Yang

2006.09 to 2010.07                      

B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering & Technology

College of Chemistry at Jilin University, Changchun, CN

Selected publications

1. Endo, K.; Raza, A.; Yao, L.*; Gele, S. V.; Rodríguez, A. C.; Vignolo-González, H. A.; Grunenberg, L.; Lotsch, B. V.*, Downsizing Porphyrin Covalent Organic Framework Particles Using Protected Precursors for Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction. Advanced Materials 2024, 36 (19), 2313197.


2. Yao, L.*; Rodríguez-Camargo, A.; Xia, M.; Mücke, D.; Guntermann, R.; Liu, Y.; Grunenberg L.; Jiménez-Solano A.; Emmerling, S. T.; Duppel V.; Sivula, K.; Bein, T.; Qi, H.; Kaiser, U.; Grätzel, M.; Lotsch, B. V.*, Covalent Organic Framework Nanoplates Enable Solution-Processed Crystalline Nanofilms for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144 (23), 10291-10300.


3. Yao, L.†; Liu, Y.†; Cho, H.-H.; Xia, M.; Sekar, A.; Darwich, B. P.; Darwich, B. P.; Wells, R. A.; Yum, J.-H.; Ren, D.; Grätzel, M.; Guijarro, N.; Sivula, K.*, A hybrid bulk-heterojunction photoanode for direct solar-to-chemical conversion. Energy & Environmental Science 2021, 14 (5), 3141-3151. (†Co-first author).


4. Yao, L.; Guijarro, N.; Boudoire, F; Liu, Y.; Rahmanudin, A.; Wells, R. A.; Sekar, A.; Cho, H.-H.; Yum, J.-H.; Formal, F. L.; Sivula, K.*, Establishing stability in organic semiconductor photocathodes for solar hydrogen production. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142 (17), 7795-7802.


5. Yao, L.; Rahmanudin, A.; Jeanbourquin, X. A.; Yu, X.; Johnson, M.; Guijarro, N.; Sekar, A.; Sivula, K.*, Catalyst-free, fast, and tunable synthesis for robust covalent polymer network semiconducting thin films. Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28 (17), 1706303.


6. Yao, L.; Zhang, S.; Wang, R.; Li, W.; Shen, F.; Yang, B.*; Ma, Y.*, Highly efficient near-infrared organic light-emitting diode based on a butterfly-shaped donor-acceptor chromophore with strong solid state fluorescence and a large proportion of radiative excitons. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014, 53 (8), 2119-2123.

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State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices

South China University of Technology


Guangzhou 510640, P. R. China


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